
A Basic Workflow Console Application

1. Create a workflow console application in VS2012.
2 By default a Workflow1.xaml file is generated in the project.
3. Drag and drop a Flowchart, a Flowdecision, an Assign to the designer.
4. Add variables and argument in workflow environment, make it look something like this.
 5. Edit Program.cs.
using System;
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace WorkflowConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Prepare argument name:value pair Dictionary<string,object>, 
            //      where string is the variable name
            //      and object is the value of the variable
            var inArg = (IDictionary<stringobject>)new Dictionary<stringobject>();
            // Initialize the workflow. 
            Activity workflow1 = new Workflow1();
            // Invoke it by passing the argument name:value pair
            // and get the result in the same way.
            // Extract the result by specifying the name of the variable.
 6. Very ugly but simple enough and done.

One more thing, you can edit the Workflow1.xaml file in code by right-click the file and select view code.

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